Aftercare Following a Hair Transplant
Have you recently undergone or are you planning to undergo a hair transplant? Congratulations! You've made an excellent decision to revitalize your self-esteem and embrace a new version of yourself. However, it is essential to follow a series of aftercare measures to ensure proper healing and the success of the procedure.
Physical Activity
In the first 24 hours, rest and avoid any form of physical activity. Afterward, resume your daily routine but focus only on light activities, refraining from intense exercises to prevent increased blood pressure in the scalp. When can you return to your regular physical activities without restrictions? One month after the hair transplant.
Sleeping Position
On the first night, sleep on your back with your head elevated, using an extra pillow. This prevents contact with the transplanted area and helps reduce swelling.
Hair Washing
Do not wash your hair during the first 4 to 5 days following the hair transplant to allow the scalp to heal. After this period, you can wash your hair using a gentle shampoo recommended by your doctor, applying it delicately to the scalp. Rinse your hair with lukewarm water, avoiding direct pressure from the showerhead on the transplanted area, and dry by gently patting with a clean towel, without rubbing.
Personal Hygiene
In the first few weeks, change your towels and pillowcases frequently to keep the treated area free from contamination. Also, wash your hands before touching your scalp to prevent infections.
Scalp Protection
Avoid direct sunlight for one month to prevent burns and dehydration of the skin. During the first week after the hair transplant, do not wear caps, hats, beanies, or any other accessories that put pressure on the scalp. Do you ride a motorcycle? In that case, note that wearing a helmet is not recommended during the first two weeks post-procedure.
Swimming pools, saunas, and beaches should also be avoided in the initial weeks following the hair transplant, as exposure to chlorine, salt, and excessive heat can hinder the healing process.
Care for the Transplanted Area
Whether it's itching or swelling, it’s normal to feel some discomfort in the early days following a hair transplant. Be patient and avoid scratching or rubbing your scalp to prevent follicle damage. If scabs appear in the transplanted area, let them fall naturally or remove them gradually during hair washes.
Harmful Substances
During the first week, abstain from consuming alcoholic beverages, especially if you are taking antibiotics, and avoid smoking, as nicotine impairs the healing process.
Returning to Work
Depending on the nature of the hair transplant and your doctor’s specific recommendations, you may return to work after a few days.
Medication and Follow-Up Appointments
If you have been prescribed antibiotics and/or anti-inflammatory medications to prevent infections and reduce swelling, follow your doctor’s instructions regarding dosage and timing. Also, attend all follow-up appointments so your doctor can assess your recovery progress and guide you on additional post-transplant care.
Following these aftercare measures during the postoperative period is essential to ensure the success of your hair transplant and to promote the healthy growth of new hair.